An abundance of food with my quilts, and sometimes a quick and easy recipe!

Photos of breakfast, lunch, and dinner on my quilts. Including photos from my container garden. Sometimes, I will post a quick and easy recipe. This is my "just for fun" BLOG ! I see so many things that inspire my quilting!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Up Close to the Blooms and Sprouts in and Around My Home on Mother's Day

 Look at that tiny little bee!

I hope to move my plants outside later today! My tomato plant is getting taller and taller everyday!
The Cilantro is sprouting - I may not move this yet!

 Can't wait for the fresh strawberries!
This is a flowering bush very similar to a lilac bush, but I don't remember it's name.

 Beautiful Violas -- I saved them from where they sprouted in between the gravel.
Enjoy the blooms around you today and everyday!
Happy Mother's Day!

Sharing this post at:
and next Monday at Macro Monday

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