An abundance of food with my quilts, and sometimes a quick and easy recipe!

Photos of breakfast, lunch, and dinner on my quilts. Including photos from my container garden. Sometimes, I will post a quick and easy recipe. This is my "just for fun" BLOG ! I see so many things that inspire my quilting!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Dilly Beef with Dill Hamburger Sliced Pickles

Chuck Roast and Pickles
Cover with foil
325 for 5 hours 

Frozen Green Beans and cut up baked potatoes from yesterday.  Pan fry together. 

We will have the leftovers on buns tomorrow night.

Linked with:
Chef in Training: Tuesday Talent Show Nov. 15, 2011
A Quilter’s Table: Tuesday at the Table Nov. 15, 2011