An abundance of food with my quilts, and sometimes a quick and easy recipe!

Photos of breakfast, lunch, and dinner on my quilts. Including photos from my container garden. Sometimes, I will post a quick and easy recipe. This is my "just for fun" BLOG ! I see so many things that inspire my quilting!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Dilly Beef with Dill Hamburger Sliced Pickles

Chuck Roast and Pickles
Cover with foil
325 for 5 hours 

Frozen Green Beans and cut up baked potatoes from yesterday.  Pan fry together. 

We will have the leftovers on buns tomorrow night.

Linked with:
Chef in Training: Tuesday Talent Show Nov. 15, 2011
A Quilter’s Table: Tuesday at the Table Nov. 15, 2011


  1. I told husband about the dilly meat you make and he was thinking we could just save pickle juice and make it and not waste pickles. What say you?

  2. I've never seen anything like this before - looks fun to make!


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